Category Archives: Utter nonsense

We have moved!

If you have arrived at this page then it’s likely you will have come here following our recent Yorkshire Life stories.  At the time we would have handed you a card which is now defunct-out of date – no longer applicable

you get the picture!

since we run several imaging businesses we have taken the decision to merge most of them under the banner…

Box of Frogs that’s our portrait and wedding business.

And there’s more!

Our next passion is making images of horses so have a gander here…

My Kingdom

And finally, honestly it really is finally, trip on over to my (Paul) GPlus profile where you’ll also find some galleries.


You can either click the above link or click the image below.  All previous content on this site has now been transferred with all the content from this site deleted.

Thank you for your time, your patience, your everything (!).

Paul and Nikki

(remember, you can click on the image below to go to our new site as well.)